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Jim2 Business Engine requires regular backups to protect your crucial business data. In times of preparation against natural disasters, we recommend that our clients perform and test their Jim2 Backups to ensure no information is lost if an impact on business operations is to occur.

Jim2 On Premises Clients

To have peace of mind that your core business information is safe, we would like to remind you of how important it is to take a valid backup if you run Jim2 on your premises and store this recent backup in a safe place away from your business location.

A valid backup should be:

  • saved as a ZIP file
  • have a file size greater than 1KB
  • Be tested to ensure the operation of the backup
  • Be stored safely away from your business.

You can find detailed instructions at Best Backup Practices along with instructions on how to backup your Jim2 On Premises Database – Visit Jim2 Help

Jim2Cloud Clients

If you are running Jim2Cloud, you don’t need to worry about your data as frequent backups are taken by Happen Business and are securely stored on geo-replicated server storage in the cloud.

In the case of service outages, you may not be able to access Jim2 if your local infrastructure is temporarily damaged, forcing you to be offline.

Contact Happen Business

1800 005 462

If your business does become impacted and you need to implement a disaster recovery plan, please get in contact with us when you can. If your call is outside of operating hours, please leave a voicemail and we will return your call as soon as possible.

You can find detailed instructions at Jim2 On Premises Best Backup Practices or give Happen Support a call at 1800 005 462 for assistance.

Useful Resources

Here is links to find out more about resources:

Jim2 Help Resources:

Need assistance from the Jim2 Support Team?

Reach out to our support team with your questions on managing financial years in Jim2.

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