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Jim2Commerce Portal

Start selling online with end-to-end integration.

Workwear Direct online Jim2Commerce portal on laptop computer

What is Jim2Commerce Portal?

Jim2Commerce Portal seamlessly launches your Jim2 inventory online without relying on your IT team’s help to publish updates.

Using our content management system, create a highly personalised B2B shopping experience that’s easy to maintain with Jim2.

Workwear Direct on mobile phone device using the Jim2Commerce online portal

What you'll love about Jim2Commerce Portal

There’s little setup required! Customers see real-time stock and pricing updates on your website the moment you update Jim2.

Grow your business with an Australian omnichannel ERP solution.

Key Features

Jim2Commerce Portal makes it easy to get your products to your customers online.

Personalised Branding

Make it your own! Create an eCommerce experience that reflects your branding. Our responsive page design can also serve as your corporate website, keeping everything in one place.

Real Time Catalogue Integration

Easily push new stock and product updates from Jim2 to the portal. Update descriptions, stock availability, images, PDFs, and product pricing with ease.

Create Unique Customer Profiles

Customers can save their favorite products and standard orders to streamline their next order. View current orders, items on backorder, and Jim2 invoices using their personalised access to the portal.

Complete New Orders

Two-way integration means customers can select an existing or new shipping address for their order. And you can capture order references, special instructions, and discount codes on each sale without rekeying data to your ERP.

Integrated Payment Gateway

HappenPay Gateway seamlessly integrates VISA, MasterCard, AMEX and PayPal payments at your online shop.

Learn more about HappenPay

Increase Sales

Connect with customers online, in-store, and over the phone without needing multiple systems to make it happen. Jim2 and our eCommerce Portal set you up to grow your business.

Our Work

See how our customers are using Jim2Commerce Portal.

Let's work together to grow online sales.

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